On April 20, 1999, 23 people were taken to local hospitals, but only 21 were directly injured by the shooters. One person was injured by a bomb blast, but never reported the injury and didn't go to the hospital. Overall, 26 people were injured that day.
Where the injured were taken
Centura Littleton Adventist Hospital
15 minutes from CHS
Stephen Austin Eubanks
Nick Foss
Joyce Jankowski
Adam Kyler
Stephanie Munson
Patti Nielson
Jennifer Doyle
Daniel Steepleton
Swedish Medical Center
15 minutes from CHS
Richard Castaldo
Sean Graves
Anne Marie Hochhalter
Valeen Schnurr
Centura St. Anthony Central Hospital
22 minutes from CHS
Makai Hall
Patrick Ireland
Michael Johnson
Kacey Ruegsegger
Denver Health Medical Center
23 minutes from CHS
Mark Kintgen
Lisa Kreutz
Lance Kirklin
Jeanna Park
Lutheran Medical Center
25 minutes from CHS
University of Colorado Hospital<.h3>
35 minutes from CHS
List of injured victims
Adam Kyler [11k, pp.243-250]
Adam was in the Cafeteria when the shooting began.
Hit in chest and right side of ribs by a chair.
Adam Kyler was in the cafeteria with Kyle Velasquez (deceased) before the shooting began. Shortly after Kyle left, Kyler heard Dave Sanders tell everyone to "get down." He recognized Dylan Klebold as he came into the cafeteria firing several shots.
Kyler described the suspect as a white male, 17- 18 years old, 6 feet tall, with long blond hair, a backwards hat, and a black trench coat. The suspect had his hands in his coat pockets and was covering his face with his hand.
As Kyler ran out of the cafeteria toward the serving line, he got hit in the ribs by a chair. Dusty Hoffschneider helped Kyler up and he ran into a storage area.
Kyler was familiar with Klebold because Klebold and some of his friends had harassed him the previous year. Around Christmas 1998, 4 TCM kids in leather trench coats threatened Kyler and said they would kill him if he went to class, and said they'd shoot him if he told anyone about the threats.
He reported the incident to administrators Sid Keating, Brad Butts, Rudy Martin, Mrs. Park, Peter Horvath, and Kevin Land. Nothing was done, so Kyler's mother reported the problem to the administration and it stopped. You can read about this in Kyler's interview.
From Kyler's interview summary:
"I asked witness Kyler how he knew suspect Klebold. He told me, along with his mother, that during November and December of 1998, suspect Klebold began harassing him at the school and had threatened him to the point where witness Susan Kyler reported the incident to school authorities who said they would take care of the problem and were aware of the problems caused by suspect Klebold.
Witness Adam Kyler said after his mother reported this to the school authorities, he had no further problems with suspect Klebold. He also said he has not had any problems with any of the Trench Coat Mafia students except for suspect Klebold during this harassment. Witness Kyler said when suspect Klebold was harassing him, there were three other students, believed to be Trench Coat Mafia members, with suspect Klebold; however, they were not involved in harassing him." (11k, pp.247-248)
"Witness Susan Kyler told me that witness Adam Kyler has some learning disability, and in fact went to a private school until the 8th grade. She said she believes this is the reason suspect Klebold was teasing and harassing her son, was due to his disability. She said witness Adam Kyler has been teased through most of the years he has been going to school." (11k, p.249)
After the shooting, Kyler told Rachel Scott's family how Rachel saved his life. Dana Scott, Rachel's sister, tells this story during her speeches. Below is an excerpt from an article:
"Just days after the Columbine shooting, the Scott family met Adam Kyler, a school friend of Rachel's. Kyler told the family he had been teased his entire life - his nickname at the school was 'Alien,' Scott said.
She said Kyler has a disorder that has disfigured his facial muscles.
'He told us that Rachel reached out to him every day by either saying something nice, hugging or smiling at him,' she said. 'He just started to cry as he told us his story. No one had ever done that for him before.'
'Kyler told us Rachel's random acts were the highlight of his day,' she said.
'It is so powerful because he said he had thought about killing himself,' Scott said. 'But Rachel's little bit of interaction made life worth living, he thought.'
Source 1, Source 2
Ann Marie Hochhalter [11k, pp.215-216]
Ann Marie was sitting on the grass in front of the cafeteria eating lunch with her friends Jason Autenrieth and Kimberly Blair when the shooting began.
Shot in the chest, the bullet traveled through her liver and vena cava.
Severed spinal cord.
She saw two gunmen in trench coats standing at the top of the stairs, shooting toward the West entrance and into the parking lot. Thinking it was a joke, she almost brushed it off, but then saw people getting shot in the legs.
She got up with her friends and as they ran into the cafeteria, she was shot and fell. She couldn't get up, so Jason dragged her over to the cafeteria wall to protect her and she played dead until she was rescued by Littleton Fire Station 11 paramedic John Aylward. Aylward was a nine-year fire veteran who had just completed his paramedic training. Hochhalter shared an ambulance with Sean Graves and they arrived at Swedish Medical at 12:20 p.m.
Hochhalter shared an ambulance with Sean Graves, and they both arrived at Swedish Medical Center at 12:20 p.m. Lance Kirklin was also in the ambulance to start with, but he was transferred into a Denver Health ambulance and was taken to Denver Health, arriving 10 minutes later at 12:30 p.m.
Hochhalter required 14 units of blood during surgery, which was 2+1/2 times the volume of blood she normally had in her body. The surgeon, Myles Guber, had to stick his finger in her wound to stop the bleeding.
On June 2, she was transferred to Craig Hospital for rehabilitation. Of all the wounded, she was the last person to leave the hospital.
Austin Eubanks [11k, pp.17-33]
Austin Eubanks was in the library under table #14 with his best friend, Corey DePooter (deceased), Peter Ball, and Jennifer Doyle.
Gunshot wounds to right index finger & right small finger.
2" grazing wound to left knee.
Austin was under table #14 with Jennifer Doyle, Peter Ball, and Corey DePooter (deceased) when the shooters came into the library. He was originally at table #15. After feeling the library shake and hearing explosions, he saw students run into the library with a teacher who was yelling at everyone to get under the tables, and he moved to table #14.
Austin heard the exchange between Dylan Klebold and John Savage where John was spared and ran out of the library. After approaching his table, Dylan pulled a chair out of the way and then fired under their table, killing Corey and hitting Jennifer. At that time, Austin was hit in the finger and knee.
Austin was examined by Dr. Antuna at Centura Hospital and was released after receiving three stitches on his index finger.
Brian Anderson [11k, pp.181-192]
Brian was walking out to the parking lot through the West doors and had gotten through the inner doors when Eric shot through the glass.
Graze from bullet fragments in upper left chest.
Footage from the day shows him with bloody injuries to his upper right chest.
The fragments from the bullets shot through the West double doors hit Brian in the upper left chest. He fell backwards and then got up and ran back into the school with several other students. Brian ran to his right, down the hall, and into the library. He then went into a storage closet with teacher Peggy Dodd until he was rescued.
Charles Simmons [11k, pp.258-260]
Charles was in the choir room when the shooting began.
Injured from falling glass while exiting a door with windows that had been shot out.
At around 11:25 a.m., he ran out the door and through the auditorium toward the administrative offices. When exiting, he saw some bullet holes in the glass and as he opened the door, the glass fell out and over him. He ran to someone's house and called his father to pick him up.
Charles did not go to the hospital.
Daniel Steepleton [11k, pp.151-160]
Steepleton was in the library under table #15 with Makai Hall and Patrick Ireland.
Shotgun wound to the left knee with five pellets.
Three pellets were recovered from his knee.
One shotgun pellet to the right chin.
Projectiles recovered:
#10222 Two shotgun pellets
Daniel was in the library with Makai Hall and Patrick Ireland when the shooters came in and started shooting and detonating bombs. When one of the gunman yelled ordering all the jocks with a white hat stand up, Daniel almost stood up because he thought they had seen him since he was wearing a white hat. He didn't want anyone else at his table to get shot. Makai Hall put his hand on Daniel's shoulder and told him not to move.
Later, when one of the shooters rolled a lit cricket under their table, it landed on Daniel's right upper thigh. He was afraid to toss it away because he didn't want the shooters to know he was alive, but Makai Hall grabbed it and threw it just in time. The bomb exploded in mid-air.
Daniel escaped with the crowd of students who exited the library when the shooters left.
Eric Kritzer [11k, pp.3481-3486]
Eric, a teacher at Columbine High School, was in the cafeteria when he was hit by an unidentified bomb component after an explosion.
The details of Eric's injuries are not easily confirmed since he did not go to the hospital and told investigators that although he was hit in the calf, he wasn't injured. However, he told people about his injury right after it happened and said it felt like he got hit in the ankle with a full can of beer.
Eric went into the cafeteria to get lunch when he heard shots and noticed some kids down outside. He encountered an unidentified student who came in with blood on his hands, but was not injured, and then he saw more kids down outside in front of the cafeteria. While in the cafeteria, he said someone was throwing bombs down the stairs from above and they would explode a few seconds later. This made him dive away from the area where the bombs were landing, which can be seen on the cafeteria surveillance tape.
Eric ran into the kitchen with some other teachers and students until they were rescued.
Evan Todd [11k, pp.161-179]
Evan was in the library hiding behind a pillar when the shooters came in.
Splinters to left eyelid and back from a shotgun blast to a wooden table.
While in the library, Evan heard explosions and gunshots outside and hid behind a pillar. When the shooters came closer, he ducked behind a copy machine on a wooden table and that's when Eric Harris fired a shotgun into the library. The shotgun blast hit the wood, which splintered and became lodged in Evan's left eyelid and back.
Evan said Dylan walked over to him and was right up in his face when he said, "oh look what we have here." Eric asked, "what?" Dylan replied, "just some fat fuck." Evan said Dylan pointed his TEC-9 in his face and asked, "are you a jock?" Evan said, "no," and Dylan replied, "well that's good, we don't like jocks. Let me see your face."
According to Evan, he took off his hat and looked up at Dylan. Dylan said, "give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you." Evan replied, "I don't want to get in trouble." Then Dylan replied, "trouble? You don't know what fucking trouble is." Evan responded, "I don't have a problem with you guys, I never will and I never did."
At that point, Dylan said, "I'm gonna let this fat fuck live, you can have at him if you want to." Eric never responded to that statement and said, "let's go to the commons." The shooters left and on the way out, Dylan picked up a chair and smashed it down on top of a table.
Evan moved into an adjacent room and hid under the Rebel News Network (RNN) table for a few minutes until seeing students fleeing the library en masse, so he followed the crowd out to safety.
On the 911 tape, at 11:39 a.m., Dylan Klebold can be heard saying to Evan, "You little fucking fat piece of shit."
Todd's interview with TIME Magazine is full of what seems like a deep-seated resentment for the TCM and he sounds extremely proud of the fact that he treated them like crap, which makes it seem like he was one of the people they specifically hated.
Excerpt from the article linked above:
"Columbine is a clean, good place except for those rejects," Todd says of Klebold and Harris and their friends. "Most kids didn't want them there. They were into witchcraft. They were into voodoo dolls. Sure, we teased them. But what do you expect with kids who come to school with weird hairdos and horns on their hats? It's not just jocks; the whole school's disgusted with them. They're a bunch of homos, grabbing each other's private parts. If you want to get rid of someone, usually you tease 'em. So the whole school would call them homos, and when they did something sick, we'd tell them, 'You're sick and that's wrong."
Jeanna Park [11k, pp.114-116]
Jeanna was in the library under table #1 with Valeen Schnurr when the shooting began.
Multiple gunshot wounds to right shoulder, knee, foot.
(Recovered ballistics: 10092)
After hearing the shooters declare they were going to blow up the library, Park heard the exchange between Dylan Klebold and Valeen Schnurr regarding her belief in God, but didn't recognize the voice as Dylan's. Shortly afterward, Jeanna was shot from behind. When everyone else in the library started to leave, she got up to leave as well and was the last one out.
Jennifer Doyle [11k, pp.02-16]
Jennifer was in the library under table #14 with Peter Ball, Austin Eubanks, and Corey DePooter when the shooters came in.
3 total wounds to right hand.
1 crushed ring finger; 1 entered wrist; 1 entered back of hand.
Only 2 exit wounds: thumb & below pinky finger.
Corey DePooter was originally at table #15 and came over to her table after the shooters came into the library. He was laying on top of Jennifer when he was shot and killed. She heard a shooter ask John Savage to identify himself and several other statements. After the shooters left the library, Austin told her, "we got to get out of here" and they left the library.
Joyce Jankowski [11k, pp.217-223]
When the shooting began, Joyce, a teacher, was in the teacher's lounge.
Treated for extreme stress and anxiety.
When Joyce heard commotion outside with several other teachers, she looked out the window and saw two students on the ground. She heard students screaming along with gunfire, and she and teacher Amy Burnett ran into a bathroom where they hid with cafeteria staff member Karen LNU, teacher Sue Caruthers, and students Nick Foss, Tim Kastle, and Sean Nossaman. She heard gas escaping from what she believed to be the kitchen, but was more likely from the propane tank bomb in the cafeteria that experienced a fire from a ruptured Coleman fuel canister. In the cafeteria video footage, you can see the fireball travels horizontally, which indicates some propane was released. Both teachers escaped through the ceiling.
According to Joyce, when teacher Judy Greco picked up the phone to call the office, the line was dead.
Kacey Ruegsegger [11k, pp.118-130]
Kacey was in the library at a computer table near Steven Curnow (deceased), Amanda Stair, and Kyle Velasquez (deceased) when the shooting began.
Gunshot graze to back of neck.
Shotgun wound to right shoulder.
Through-and-through C-shaped shrapnel wound to right hand
The above entered near base of right thumb; exited through back of thumb.
Metal washer lodged in shrapnel wound in right thumb.
Projectiles recovered:
#10245 Small metal washer
#10249 Shotgun wadding
About 5 minutes after hearing some commotion, she heard a teacher yelling at everyone to get down under the tables because someone had a gun.
After a boy nearby was shot, she screamed, and one of the shooters told her to "quit her bitching." Kacey was helped out of the library by Craig Scott and Amanda Stair, but since she wasn't moving fast, she ended up getting trampled by other students on their way out.
Kacey was triaged with a large group of people where she called her parents from someone else's phone and then was taken to the hospital.
Lance Kirklin [11k, pp.234-242]
Lance was walking up the dirt hill after exiting the cafeteria with Sean Graves and Daniel Rohrbough (deceased) when the shooting began. They were some of the first people shot.
Five gunshot wounds to his right femur.
Shotgun blast to the left side of his face and neck.
There are contradictory stories about Lance Kirklin, Sean Graves, and Daniel Rohrbough. Sean has said many times that they all decided not to eat lunch that day and were on their way to the vending machines when they were shot. However, Lance originally said that they were all eating lunch in the cafeteria together and he had jokingly created a "centerpiece" out of their trash when they decided to head over to the smoker's pit in Clement Park. In his interview summary, he says they ate lunch and exited the cafeteria and began walking up the dirt hill when he heard shots and saw two gunmen.
A gunman shot at them, hitting Daniel Rohrbough, and then Lance was shot next. He then saw Sean get shot and go down out of his peripheral vision. Not too much later, he remembers looking at the blue sky and then feeling his face jolt and then felt pools of blood under his mouth.
Paramedic Monte Fleming had just rolled Lance over when he (Fleming) heard and saw police firing shots into the library through the windows. He picked up Lance and loaded him into Rescue 13 with Sean Graves. Sean was delivered to Swedish Medical Center and 10 minutes later, Lance arrived at Denver Health at 12:30 p.m.
Lance spent five hours in surgery with Steve Batuello.
Liza Kreutz [11k, pp.59-68]
When the shooting began, Lisa was in the library at table #2 with Lauren Townsend (deceased), Jessica Holliday, Jeanna Park, and Diwata Perez.
Shotgun pellets to left shoulder
Shotgun pellets to right wrist
Shotgun pellets to right ankle
One pellet entered her buttocks and went through her thigh
Jessica left to go to the other side of the library and that's when Lisa first heard shots. A short time later, someone came into the library looking for Ms. Keating, and then she heard Patti Nielson enter the library telling everyone to get under the tables. While the shooters were in the library, Jeanna wanted to go find her sister and Lisa had to hold her down to keep her from moving. Lisa told her not to worry and that Jessica would take care of her sister since they were both in the same area by the computer tables.
Lisa witnessed Valeen Schnurr being shot and heard the subsequent exchange where Dylan Klebold asked Schnurr if she believed in God. At that time, Lisa was shot several times. She also saw Lauren Townsend (deceased) after she had been shot. Lisa remembered an unidentified blond girl coming over to her table and laying down next to her. This is believed to be Kelly Fleming (deceased).
After finding Dave Sanders alive and determining it was too late to save him, Denver Health paramedic Troy Laman went into the library looking for survivors. He found Lisa Kreutz. Kreutz arrived at Denver Health at 4:00 p.m. right as Mark Kintgen's surgery was being completed. To check on her, the paramedic rolled Lisa onto her injured shoulder unaware of her injury, and she was taken out of the library.
Makai Hall [11k, p.8887-8892]
Makai was in the library with Corey DePooter (deceased), Austin Eubanks, Patrick Ireland, and Daniel Steepleton when the shooting started, although he was specifically located at table #15, while Austin and Corey were at table #14.
Shotgun pellets to right leg.
One pellet was removed.
One pellet was left embedded in his bone.
Projectiles recovered:
#10250 Shotgun pellet
Makai said both Austin and Daniel were shot in the knee and Patrick was shot in the head. He identified Dylan Klebold as the person who shot him int he leg with a shotgun. The previous year, Dylan was his partner in French class and had told Makai that he was making pipe bombs at home. After Dylan shot Makai, he tossed a lit cricket under their table and Makai threw it across the room and it exploded 20-30 feet away.
Makai escaped out of the library with the crowd of students after the shooters said they were out of ammunition and the shooters exited the library to go down into the commons.
According to the Littleton Fire dispatch log, Makai was transported to Littleton Hospital at 12:40 p.m. According to the Lakewood Fire dispatch log, Makai was then transported to St. Anthony's Hospital via Life Flight at 1:36 p.m.
Mark Kintgen [11k, pp.48-58]

Mark was in the library reading a magazine at table #1 when the shooting started.
Gunshot wound to the left back of the head.
Gunshot wound to the left center portion of neck, exiting the right side of the neck, then entering his right shoulder. This projectile was not removed.
Projectiles recovered:
#10350 Shotgun pellet (11k, submission reports, p.11530)
While in the library, Mark heard banging noises that he thought was hammering. Around 11:25 a.m., he said Patti Nielson came in yelling at everyone to get under the tables, so he hid under table #1.
Right after Dylan Klebold shot out the glass trophy case, Mark says that's when he was shot.
After being shot, he asked another student, Patti Blair, to help him, but she left without helping him. He then crawled out from under the table and exited the library.
Mark Taylor [11k, pp.262-265]
Mark was sitting on the grass at the top of the hill on the field 120 yards from a shed with Michael Johnson, Denny Rowe, John Cook, and Adam Thomas when the shooting began.
Fracture of T9/10
Gunshot wound to thigh
Mark was shot in the thigh and then saw an unknown female wearing shorts get shot and then run back into the school. It's believed he witnessed Rachel get shot, but that's unlikely. He may have seen Ann Marie Hochhalter get shot, not Rachel. Ann Marie got up and ran toward the cafeteria, which aligns more with Mark's recollection.
Mark's initial interview summary was not included in the 11k, but he wrote a book tiled I Asked, God Answered - a Columbine Miracle, which contains a more detailed description of his experience.
Michael Johnson [11k, pp.224-232]
Michael was sitting on the grass at the top of the hill on the field 120 yards from a shed with Mark Taylor, Denny Rowe, John Cook, and Adam Thomas when the shooting began.
Through and through gunshot wound to left thigh (outside to inside). Severed artery.
Through and through gunshot wound to upper right arm (back to front).
Through and through gunshot wound to back of right neck; exited through right cheek/jaw.
Fractured jaw.
Laceration to right ankle.
After being shot in the left leg, he heard Mark say that he had been shot. Michael was then shot in the neck and while Denny, John and Adam ran and hopped a fence, Michael ran behind the shed. A teacher, Mrs. Lowery, came to him and said she would get him help. He passed out for a bit and then remembers being helped by Evan Todd and Ryan Barrett. He was then transported by a police officer to some paramedics.
Nick Foss [11k, pp.198-204]
Nick was in the cafeteria when the shooting began.
Fell through ceiling while escaping.
After hearing someone come into the cafeteria stating that someone is shooting outside, Nick ran outside and saw two kids laying on the ground, wounded. A teacher yelled to "get down" and he dropped to the floor and crawled to the injured students. He saw Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold with guns, and knew them from his 5th hour psychology class. He asked them what they were doing, and they pointed their guns at him. Nick ran back into the school as the shooters shot out the glass behind him.
Nick took refuge in a bathroom and then decided to crawl through the ceiling to escape, and ended up falling through.
Nicole Nowlen [11k, pp.100-113]
Nicole was in the library at table #6 with Patti Blair and John Tomlin (deceased) when the shooting started.
Wood splinters in upper right back.
8 Shotgun pellets to the abdomen - 3 through-and-through.
5 Shotgun pellets remained in her abdomen.
Nicole had only been a student at Columbine for 7 weeks at the time of the shooting. She saw Patti Nielson come into the library with Brian Anderson, telling everyone to get under the tables and that Brian had been shot.
Originally, she was at a different table and asked John if she could get under the table with him. He waved her over and she got under table #6 with John. Nowlen heard the exchange take place between Valeen Schnurr and Dylan Klebold over her belief in God, and recalls that when the shooter shot John under the table, the blast forced her out from underneath the table somehow. That's when she realized she had been shot in the abdomen.
Nicole said John jumped out from under the table, likely to avoid being shot, and then a shooter came over and shot him in the head. Nowlen lost consciousness and when she came to, she attempted to ask for help, but nobody would help her. She then got up and exited the library. She was one of the last people to leave the library.
Patrick Ireland [11k, pp.34-47]
Patrick was in the library under table #15 with Makai Hall, Daniel Steepleton, and Patrick Ireland.
One gunshot wound to the left front of his head.
One gunshot wound to the head that was "diverted around to the back."
Only one bullet was removed.
Previously with Austin Eubanks and Corey DePooter, Patrick moved to table #15 and lost track of his two friends. He heard Patti Nielson come into the library yelling at everyone to get down under the tables because some people had guns. At one point, after a lot of gunfire in the library, Patrick opened his eyes and looked over at Daniel and saw his foot bleeding. He also saw Makai bleeding from his knee. As Patrick went to put pressure on Makai's wound, he was shot in the head and blacked out.
Later, Patrick heard a male voice coughing, which is believed to be Dylan Klebold choking after aspirating blood. He spent about 3 hours making his way to the library window, where he cleared the glass away and jumped down, just in time to be caught by SWAT standing in the roof of their vehicle.
Patti Nielson [11k, pp.69-99]
Patti was outside by the West doors with Brian Anderson when Brian was shot through the glass. She and Brian ran back into the library, she called 911, and hid in a cupboard for the duration of the shooting.
Hit in the back of the shoulder by broken glass.
Art teacher and hall monitor Patti Nielson was headed down the hallway when she saw a student carrying a gun into the school. She thought it was a fake gun, but still wanted to confront the student. She asked nearby student Brian Anderson what was going on and he said he recognized the person (Eric Harris) as being in a video productions class and it was probably for a movie.
As she and Brian both walked out the first set of doors from inside, and into the vestibule where Eric was, he fired at both of them, hitting the glass behind them. Brian was hit and was knocked to the floor, and Patti was hit in the back of the shoulder by flying glass.
Both of them fled to the library to warn everyone, telling them to get down under the desks. Nielson called 911 and after a short time, when the shooters entered the library, she dropped the phone and hid in a cupboard for 3 hours until she and others hiding with her were rescued by police.
Richard Castaldo [11k, pp.193-197]
Richard was sitting outside with Rachel Scott (deceased) between the West double doors and the library emergency exit when the shooting began.
Multiple gunshot wounds to the back.
3 Gunshot wounds to the left arm.
He lost his spleen due to his injuries.
Richard saw one of the shooters toss a pipe bomb into the parking lot and right after that, he was shot and fell over backwards. He thought Rachel had been shot at that time also and heard her crying. He didn't see the shooters for a while, and then he saw the West doors get shot out. The suspects disappeared and about 20 minutes later, he was rescued by SWAT and placed on the bumper of a firetruck.
Sean Graves [11k, pp.205-213]
Sean was walking up the dirt hill after exiting the cafeteria with Lance Kirklin and Daniel Rohrbough (deceased) when the shooting began. They were some of the first people shot.
Shot once in the back.
Shot three times in the abdomen.
There are contradictory stories about Lance Kirklin, Sean Graves, and Daniel Rohrbough (deceased). Sean has said many times that they all decided not to eat lunch that day and were on their way to the vending machines when they were shot. However, Lance originally said that they were all eating lunch in the cafeteria together and he had jokingly created a "centerpiece" out of their trash when they decided to head over to the smoker's pit in Clement Park. In his interview summary, he says they ate lunch and exited the cafeteria and began walking up the dirt hill when they were shot.
After Lance and Daniel were shot, Sean felt a bullet graze the right side of his neck. He ran back toward the cafeteria and was shot through the chest. As he ran, he was shot in the back through the back of his backpack. In later versions of his story, he says he was already lying on the ground when he was shot through his backpack and the bullet went through the side of his backpack and angled into his back.
He was pulled halfway into the cafeteria door by several teachers, including Dave Sanders (deceased).
Sean was rescued by Monte Fleming and Unit 13 with Lance Kirklin.
Lying face-down on the stretcher to protect his back, Sean was loaded into the same ambulance with Lance Kirklin and Ann Marie Hochhalter, and they arrived at Swedish Medical at 12:20 p.m. Kirklin was transferred into a Denver Health ambulance and ten minutes later, Kirklin arrived at Denver Health.
Stephanie Munson [11k, pp.251-257]
Stephanie was near the main entrance when she was shot in the ankle.
Through and through gunshot wound to left ankle, likely 9mm.
Stephanie was walking with a friend in the main hallway after leaving the tech lab when a male teacher ran up behind them and told them to get out. On her way out of the school through the main entrance, Stephanie was shot in the left ankle. She had only been a student at Columbine for four months.
She fled to Leawood Park where she was able to take off her shoe and sock. After noticing she was bleeding, another person called 911 and she was taken to the hospital via ambulance.
Valeen Schnurr [11k, pp.131-150]
Valeen was in the library at table #2 with Lauren Townsend (deceased), Lisa Kruetz, Diwata Perez, and Jenna Park when the shooting began.
Nine soft tissue wounds to her chest, arms, and abdomen from shotgun pellets.
Projectiles recovered:
#10223 Two shotgun pellets
#10288 "Shotgun pellets" qty unknown
While in the library, Valeen heard Patti Nielson come in yelling at everyone to get under the tables. She was injured when Dylan Klebold fired under her table, injuring Liza Kreutz as well. After that, Lauren Townsend was killed.
After crying out, "God help me!" Dylan Klebold asked her if she believes in God. She wavered between yes and no, but finally said yes. Dylan asked her, "what for?" Valeen replied that it was the way her parents brought her up. Dylan then walked away to reload.
Valeen left the library shortly after when the shooters left. At that time, Liza Kreutz was still laying under the table, injured.
Additional resources:
11k - Library Injured
11k - Other Injured
A Columbine Site - Injured